Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Be stimulated and socialize all at once

I've just been introduced to
VoxSwap, a great way for those who wants to learn a language and connect with people who can teach you.

VoxSwap's premise is to ensure you can talk to real people and offer one another pointers on how to excel in a language.

This is another example of the beneficial uses of social networking, an alternative to Facebook! Here you can actually can do something useful and be stimulated whilst socialising.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for the post Christian, I'm Sean the co-founder of the site and you've hit the nail on the proverbial head. I got so fed up of 'being compared' to people and getting 'vampire bites' etc on Facebook i decided there has to be more of a point to social networking - hence VoxSwap. Keep checking us out as we're expecting to launch video within a month.
thanks, Sean