Monday, March 30, 2009

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Link drops week 14

  • I read this post some months ago, but didn´t really pay attention to it at that time. Now that I have started to spend time experiencing and using Twitter it makes sense. The following icons on your Twitter page are organized according to when the person joined Twitter. I envy Jack Dorsey and Biz Stone for inventing this platform and for having the best listings on my page. Facebook and Myspace didn´t take this early adopter advantage into consideration, but Twitter did the good thinking. Early adopters have an advantage since many people find new people by surfing through those clusters.
  • Asi gives his view on social media, with the conclusion that all media is social media. I do agree to some extent. Interaction, whether it is driven by traditional media or new media embraces an element of social. The internet as mechanism is the facilitator. 
  • Should you charge for apps or not? Many interesting conclusions in this post, e.g. Free downloads vs for fee downloads ($.99) is 400:1 for this specific case. 
  • Seth talks about the pillars of social media success. It can be boiled down to popularity, curiosity and a twist of boredom.
  • 48 hours in Denmark - an interesting experiment. The client is a Danish tourism agency interested in finding out how people use the internet and what the use means to tourism. They are offering a free trip to Denmark, with all expenses paid and with the only catch that you needs to show how you use digital media when you travel as a tourist.

Snapshot from CPH - I really don`t get it

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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Linkdrops like Noah

Inspired by Noah. To start off the week.
  • I would recommend all to go visit and play with Compete, a site where you can track traffic and compare a variety of different websites. I compared Twitter, Facebook, and Amazon. A key finding: Facebook has more unique visitors than Amazon. All advertisers should treat social communities with seriousness.
  • Great reading from Faris giving his view on 9 digital marketing aphorisms to look for in 09. The most important aphorism: act social. Attention is no longer guaranteed - brands are being forced to act more like people.
  • The Guardian launched Open Platform, a service that will allow partners to reuse content and data for free and weave it "into the fabric of the internet". A step in the right direction moving away from a protective behaviour - and an example of how to update and adapt your product into a modern culture model. The Guardian make new technology win against the old business model.
  • My friend Koolhunting showed me this. That´s really cool - a Jenga Pistol.
  • And finally Remix Culture on Stereoids. A new mash-up format.
I think that´s it for now.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Do a new thing. Every day.

Just discovered Tweak Today. Help determine tomorrows mission by suggestion a mission, and voting on others` suggestions. A true digital experiment. Go support my suggestions.

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

I think most of you have seen this one before. It has now been seen by almost 30 mio. people - that´s amazing.

It symbolizes in the best way how the internet is accelerating and setting new standards for people’s creativity. It embraces an important viral ingredient - can this really be true - taking shape of being an experiment more than a project. Guts are valued. Therefore it inspired others to do spoofs (an important KPI for viral successes) - Daft bodies being one of the more awesome, and now has developed idaft - a work it, make it, do it console.

When is this one being launched as an app. Simple and funny - go play with it!
via threebillion

Retail future vision

<a href=";playlist=videoByUuids:uuids:8d7a2ef7-84cf-4daf-9a4d-2531c273f756&amp;showPlaylist=true&amp;from=shared" target="_new" title="Retail Future Vision">Video: Retail Future Vision</a>