Saturday, May 7, 2011

Interactive game from McDonald's #Stockholm

I had fun today thanks to McDonald's. By coincidence I dropped by Stureplan. For non-Swedish people it's a central square located in Stockholm. The Swedish version of Times Square. Yeah, and then there is a big screen. It was interactive today. You could simply battle McDonald's in ping pong steering with your smartphone. The steps are: Go to on your smartphone. Enter your name and prize. Queuing starts. Then you receive a notification when it's your turn. It took 3 minutes. Game on.  Brilliant! I lost but I got a loosers Icecream by showing my coupon at the nearest McDonald's. Next game will take place the 14th of May from 15-17. Go have some fun. 

Posted via email from christianfhermansen's posterous

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Hemraj said...
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